Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wageningen University: Here I come.

After a cancelled flight last week due to Hurricane Sandy, I'm currently at Heathrow waiting for my flight to Amsterdam. Destination: the Development Economics Group (DEG) at Wageningen University and Research, where I will be a pre-doctoral researcher during November and December.

I look much forward for two reasons. First, I'll by away from all the districtations in New York. While I have several papers up and running, the most important one (the jobmarket paper) still has to be written. I have many ideas but have not yet had the time to sit down and write it. Second, I expect the DEG a really good place to be. There are a set of researchers doing very interesting work on the political economy of development (impact evaluations, lab-in-the-field-experiments), and I look forward working together. As a start: I'm presenting tomorrow at their seminar.

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